SOLIDARITY COVID-19 : the directory for all Alumni and students free of charge!
27 April 2020
Front page
Viewed 480 times
One of our values is SOLIDARITY ! It’s why, until september we decided to open the directory for all Alumni and students, free of charge. Students and Alumni can contact ENAC Alumni network for their internship research, but also between Alumni who need help each other.
Aviation and aeronautics sectors are strongly hit by this crisis, let's be united between us!
How can you help the network ?
- Reply students and Alumni requests
- Post internship in JobTeaser ENAC plateform
- Post job offer with your Alumni account in ENAC Alumni website
- Give some time to manage a webinar about your job, or an interesting project. If you are interested, just have answer this email, and I will provide you assistance with the appropriate tool.
- Give some time to offer interview simulation for our students. If you are interested, please contact Franck Steunou, Alumni and ENAC Corporate relations manager :
- Renew or take your ENAC Alumni membership to help us to continue these actions for students and Alumni.
A small gesture from you will be a great help for the students and Alumni who need it.
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