Apprenticeship Tax

In 2024, encourage your company to choose ENAC for the payment of the Apprenticeship Tax!

As you know better than anyone, ENAC provides training and research in aeronautical engineering, air navigation and aircraft piloting. Our school has a national and international reputation. It is called upon to play an essential role with regard to the technological, economic and environmental changes and requirements of a sector undergoing rapid transformation. In this respect, the apprenticeship tax is an essential source of funding for improving our teaching and research resources.

In 2023, the collection of the apprenticeship tax enabled our school to launch work on the Learning Centre! Since March 2024, work has been underway to create a new digital and innovative teaching facility at the heart of the Toulouse campus.

From the start of the 2024/2025 academic year, this facility will enable our students to :

- Experiment with emerging educational technologies and active teaching methods ;
- Demonstrate the benefits of digital technology and pedagogy in education;
- Autonomous production of digital resources
- Disseminating distance learning.
In 2024, we're counting on you to encourage your companies to choose ENAC!

Change from 2023 

Companies no longer pay the balance of the taxe d'apprentissage directly to training establishments. URSSAF will now collect the balance, in a single payment, from mid-April 2024, depending on the size of the company.
You can, however, choose the establishments to which you wish to pay the balance by earmarking (in %) via the SOLTéA platform, developed by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations (dates to come).

To support us:

1. Log on to the SOLTéA platform:
2. Select ENAC

UAI code: 0311256X
N°SIRET : 19311256200015

3. Select the % you wish to allocate to the ENAC.

Contact for Tax:

Address: Agence Comptable de l'ENAC, 7 Avenue Edouard Belin, 31055 Toulouse Cedex 4
Mrs Patricia REINHARDT
Tel: 0562174411