
MANAGING DISRUPTIONS IN AIRPORT OPERATIONS: Lessons Learned for Enhancing Real-Time Response & Operational Resilience (2023)

This white paper offers guidance for the development of tactical disruption mitigation plans and strategies to improve their response to adverse conditions and enhance their operational resilience. This guidance is based on lessons learned and success stories from individual airports, as well as various publications from institutions, professional organizations, and aviation stakeholders that we reference throughout the paper.

The document discusses a broad range of disruptions. It does not specifically address emergency situations that might trigger additional, non-aviation layers of command and response driven by specialized governmental bodies. However, the lessons learned and guidance provided in this paper can be helpful to airports seeking a more holistic approach to emergency management.

Download the report (in English)

Suggested citation: Djakovitch, E. & Hericher, R. (2023). Managing Disruptions in Airport Operations: Lessons Learned for Enhancing Real-Time Response & Operational Resilience. (P. Bougeard, et al.). Toulouse: ENAC Alumni.

THE FUTURE OF AIRPORTS: A Vision of 2040 and 2070 (2020)

This research report analyses the long-term trends and the emerging breakthrough innovations that will influence the future of airports in several domains at the 2040 and 2070 horizons. The document presents their impacts as well as the challenges for air transportation as a whole. The study identifies several needs in terms of practices, research, education, industrial strategy and public policies in order to anticipate these changes and to succeed in navigating them. The report is the result of a research project conducted between 2019 and 2024 by the Airport Think Tank of ENAC Alumni with the participation of over 100 experts and leaders from the aviation sector.

Important: A new version of the deliverables is under development. This version 2 will be released by September 2024.

Download the report (in English)

Suggested citation: Le Bris, G., & Nguyen, L.-G. (2020). The Future of Airports: A Vision of 2040 and 2070. (M. Houalla, et al.). Toulouse: ENAC Alumni.

PREPARING AIRPORTS TO THE POST-COVID-19 ERA: Ensuring Immediate Safety and Developing Long-Term Resilience (2020)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on airports, discuss the path to short-term recovery, prepare airports to the return of the flying public amid the COVID-19 pandemic, propose principles to safeguard the health safety of both airport workers and passengers, and explore solutions to increase the long-term resilience of aviation to future epidemics and pandemics. The document features references to and a list of relevant resources from international organizations, governmental agencies, and the industry.

Download the guidance (in English)

Suggested citation: Le Bris, G., et al. (2020). Preparing Airports to the Post-COVID-19 Era: Ensuring Immediate Safety and Developing Long-Term Resilience. Toulouse: ENAC Alumni.