

24 May 2024 Brief
Viewed 240 times

Dear ENAC Alumni,

As you know, our school offers its students high quality teaching and has always been committed to providing a warm and welcoming learning environment at Rangueil, as well as at our centers in Biscarosse, Muret, Castelnaudary, Carcassonne, Montpellier, Grenoble, Saint-Yan and Muret.

In 2024, we are pursuing our objective of developing ambitious projects, in particular:
- Develop strong interaction between ENAC training courses and research, in order to offer students and doctoral students cutting-edge training and research projects.
- Be a major player in European and international research in the field of air transport systems. - Develop a worldwide partnership network with major academic and industrial players.
- Expand our support services for internships, apprenticeships and jobs.
- Expand our efforts to promote the feminization of the sector through our many partnerships with secondary schools throughout France, and since this year with certain preparatory classes through the Osé Ingé program.

In order to respond collectively to these educational and professional requirements, we need more than ever to collaborate with organizations in all sectors of activity.

Since last year, the apprenticeship tax payment circuit has been simplified. From May 27 onwards, the tax is paid via the SOLTéA platform. All companies have to do is log on to the platform and select ENAC using the UAI Code: 0311256X or the SIRET: 19311256200015. Once logged in to their SOLTéA space, they can also find our school profile via this link.
- If you are a company director, to support us, connect directly to the SOLTéA platform. - If you are an employee, you can approach your employer's human resources or financial departments and suggest that ENAC be one of the beneficiaries of the apprenticeship tax.

By choosing to donate your apprenticeship tax to ENAC, you are showing your support for our school, helping to train tomorrow's talent and joining our network of partners.

I hope to count you among our supporters, and thank you, dear ENAC Alumni, for your commitment to your school.

ENAC General Manager

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