Events calendar

Rotorcraft Structures Workshop


The workshop is a forum for discussion of rotorcraft structures (CS-27, CS-29, CS-VLR) between the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), National Competent Authorities (NCAs) and applicants for Type Certificates (TCs) and Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs).

Structural requirements and acceptable means of AMC compliance, as well as EASA policies and the certification memorandum concerning materials, fatigue and damage tolerance, and vibration, will be presented. Other major structural topics will also be addressed, including the impact on structures of external and internal installations, hybrid bearings, CIVP, crush-resistant fuel tanks, the impact of birds and the status of rulemaking.

To register: Rotorcraft Structures Workshop - On-site event | EASA (

from Tuesday 18 February
to Wednesday 19 February 2025
17:30 (GMT +2)

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from Tuesday 18 February
to Wednesday 19 February 2025
17:30 (GMT +2)
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