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Pollution: everything we can see, understand and monitor from space

By AAE - Académie de l'Air et de l'Espace

The media regularly report that the state of the atmosphere is getting worse, and that man is primarily responsible. Over the last twenty years or so, scientists have had access to an impressive array of observations (particularly by satellite). Was the air purer before? Is France a highly polluted country? How can we tell the difference between pollutants and greenhouse gases? Does pollution "cool" the climate? In this talk, we'll take a look at what satellites are telling us.

Hosted by Cathy Clerbaux, Director of Research at CNRS, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and member of AAE.

Free admission.

Tuesday 25 March 2025
18:00 - 19:30 (GMT +1)
Médiathèque José Cabanis (Grand Auditorium)
1 allée Jacques Chaban Delmas
31000 Toulouse

Médiathèque José Cabanis (Grand Auditorium)

1 allée Jacques Chaban Delmas
31000 Toulouse

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Tuesday 25 March 2025
18:00 - 19:30 (GMT +1)
Médiathèque José Cabanis (Grand Auditorium)
1 allée Jacques Chaban Delmas
31000 Toulouse
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