
Entrepreneurship Challenge

09 March 2015 Article
Viewed 1463 times

The ENAC Alumni – Avico Challenge First Prize is awarded to....

On march 5, the Challenge ENAC Alumni – Avico first price was awarded to 3 young engineers from the start up Sterblue. They hope that their first convertible drone dedicated to automated surveillance of industrial facilities will fly as soon as next automn.  The solidity of their projets has seduced the 12 aeronautics professionals of our jury (CEO of companies, airlines, banks, DGAC and EASA).  They won the first prize of the Challenge ; a 10 000€ check.


The second prize was awarded to  InnovATM wich is offering aircraft trajectories optimization tools. The LATS team came in third position with its project of decision making tools in air traffic management. On the fourth step we find Phonoptics, wich is developping probes to mesure pression in hostil environnements. Finally, Clug won the fifht place with a new generation of trolleys.

2me_prix_-_innovatm_1_400     3me_prix_-_lats_1_400_01
2nd prize Innov ATM     3rd prize LATS


Mourad Majoul, Avico Chairman, has declared : "After creating Avico 18 years ago and started up a couple of other companies, we are happy and proud to be able to help new projects to come to life, as much financially as by making them known among our peers, as we know they will be a breath of fresh air in aeronautics"

Nicolas Draber, from Sterblue team added : « Without the pressure of the Challenge, we wouldn't have finished our business plan and would never have gone so far !"

Mehdi El Kouch, on behalf of ENAC Alumni said «Thanks to DGAC and our partners who trusted us and got involved in this first edition we were able to follow 18 very talented teams with new ideas and ambitions. »

Contestants, Jury members and our guests left the ceremony convinced that the economic crisis will never

Les participants, les membres du jury et les invités à cette soirée sont repartis convaincus que la crise will not defeat the passion for entrepreneurship and innovation, and that the teams who have presented their projects will continue to grow. You'll hear about them soon !


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