
Captain Joe Conference

20 November 2019 Article
Viewed 1519 times

A week ago already, Captain Joe was at ENAC for a lecture on a particularly refreshing topic : the transport of two belugas released from a water park in China and returned to nature in Iceland.

The room was full and the audience delighted with this meeting that had something of a Ted Talk ! Dynamic and cheerful, the Captain Joe has captivated his audience with a touch of humor, a bit of daydream and some sport. After returning on his journey, he also spoke about the impact of his career as a pilot in his personal life and how he appropriated flight methodologies to reuse them in his everyday life. A prolific Q & A session ended the presentation.

To sum up, it was a rewarding evening full of life!

We thank the participants for the evening and hope to meet those who could not be present at our future events ! In the meantime, we leave you with the pictures of this beautiful evening.

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