
Boost your career ! Join the ENAC Alumni program !

22 March 2021 Survey
Viewed 355 times

In October 2020, 689 of us  answered a survey to let us know about the influence of the sanitary crisis on your job.

Many of you shared your feedback, and showed that covid had a direct impact on your career.

66% of people who answered the survey tell us that the covid had an impact on their job. 493 Alumni ask some help of ENAC Alumni to provide them help through workshop, webinars and mentoring.

Following these results and as a direct consequence, we created a team " Training and Employment" dedicated to support and boost your professional projects.

 The main missions of this team are:

  • Promote alumni and ENAC Education 
  • Broaden alumni's horizons by introducing - through webinars - companies, jobs, trendy topics
  • Provide alumni lots of open positions at an early stage
  • Offer individual and collective coaching to help the alumni in their career move
  • Support and lead alumni in assumption of duties, through mentoring from experienced alumni and interviews simulation sessions
  • Develop a courses catalog at attractive costs

To go further and make all those actions real, we need you to answer a new ( and the last !) survey, so you can tell us your needs, your expectations and your suggestions.

We count on you to share your feedback, you can count on us to support you !

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