
Air Expo 2022

20 July 2022 Brief
Viewed 301 times

After a 2-year break, due to the pandemic, the Air Expo, jointly organized by the engineering students of ENAC and ISAE SUPAERO, was back with its public, for its 36th edition, on May 15, 2022, on the airfield of Muret Lherm.

For this edition, our students succeeded in presenting an exceptional line-up with, of course, the Patrouille de France (and the first presentation of the 2022 program), the Rafale Solo Display in its new livery, the Airbus A380 MSN001 which made its first flight on April 25, 2005, two Rafales Marine and as many drones and historical tagazous!

This year's theme was indeed : Aerial innovation through the ages.

As a traditional partner, ENAC Alumni supported this event and held a joint stand with IESF-OT, oriented "training" of students, as part of its policy to promote the professions of engineers and scientists (PMIS), under a bright sun.

It was also an opportunity to make ourselves known to the exhibitors and the "curious" people passing by, including a lot of engineers and various ENAC graduates...

Congratulations again to our students who made the youngest dream, but also the old ones. Success guaranteed with more than 15,000 spectators present, traffic jams for the access to the parking lots because of the new restrictive regulations which they had to deal with.

See you next year with great pleasure!

Love it

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