
Viewed 463 times
12 January 2024
Pierre-Yves HUERRE (IENAC 1988 - L)

Appointment - Pierre-Yves Huerre succeeds Rémi Jouty as head of the BEA

Former head of the DGAC's Light, General Aviation and Helicopter Mission DGAC, Pierre-Yves HUERRE (IENAC 88) took up his post as Director of the Bureau d'enquêtes et d'analyses pour la sécurité de l'aviation civile (BEA) on January 1, 2024. Aviation news at the start of 2024 gave the new director no time to pack his bags!

Since the confinement following the Covid 19 pandemic and the laborious recovery of air transport, which should only return to its 2019 levels in 2024, BEA investigators have not had to conduct any major investigations in recent years. However, they have not been idle. The French BEA team has published numerous safety studies, particularly in the field of general aviation.

2024 begins on a different note, with the Haneda accident involving an Airbus A350, and the consequent dispatch of a team of BEA investigators to Japan in the first week of the new year. It was against this backdrop that the transfer of power at the head of the BEA took place, between Rémi Jouty, the former director, and Pierre-Yves Huerre, the new director, appointed on December 29, 2023 by ministerial decree.

Pierre-Yves Huerre, a civil engineer from the École Nationale des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts, and a graduate of ENAC (IENAC 88 L), joined the DGAC (Direction Générale de l'Aviation) in Paris. joined the DGAC (Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile), in 2005, at the Direction des services de la Navigation aérienne (DSNA). Ten years later, he became West Interregional Director of Civil Aviation Safety.

Since the end of 2018, he has been Head of the Light, General and Helicopter Aviation Mission. In this role, he demonstrated his close relationship with users and his ability to listen to their representative bodies. The aviation federations appreciated him. Pierre-Yves Huerre should naturally be part of the process of opening up the BEA, initiated by Jean-Paul Troadec and continued by Rémi Jouty.

To find out more: https: //

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