Events calendar

Women Pilots Round Table


To mark International Women's Day, the Friends of L'Envol des Pionniers association pays tribute each year to women aviators who have made aeronautical history through their exploits and remarkable courage. Since 2020, several emblematic personalities have been honored, including Jacqueline Auriol, Jacqueline Cochran, Amélia Earhart, Adrienne Bolland, as well as General Valérie André, who died recently at the age of 102.
Once again this year, Les Amis de l'Envol des Pionniers wish to give a voice to women airline pilots. And with good reason: every day, these female aviators criss-cross the skies of the planet, carrying thousands of passengers from all over the world in their aircraft.


Meeting with women pilots

Pierre Michel Pranville, President of Les Amis de L'Envol des Pionniers, and Odile Chartier, pilot, BIA instructor and board member of the association, will lead the debate with Christine DEBOUZY (EPL 1979), A380 airline pilot and President of the French Association of Women Pilots, Céline Lajoux, A320 pilot and Sandra BREDEKA (EPL 2024), student pilot at ENAC. They will talk about their motivations, training, getting on the line, career progression and the evolution of women pilots since the 1960s, when their integration into the airline industry was fraught with difficulties, following the example of their eldest, Danielle Décuré.

The debate will be punctuated by the screening of films dedicated to women pilots to illustrate their interventions.


We look forward to seeing many of you there to join us in this moment of sharing with women of the XXIᵉ century who have taken over from the first female aviators of the last century.
Table ronde : Pilotes de ligne, une histoire de femmes 

Sunday 9 March 2025
14:30 - 17:30 (GMT +1)
Pioneer flight
6 rue Jacqueline Auriol
31400 Toulouse

Pioneer flight

6 rue Jacqueline Auriol
31400 Toulouse

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Sunday 9 March 2025
14:30 - 17:30 (GMT +1)
Pioneer flight
6 rue Jacqueline Auriol
31400 Toulouse
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