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"Passing on the founder's business know-how to a dedicated team: testimonials".

By XMP Entrepreneur

This evening is dedicated to sales development, with a focus on building high-performance teams and effective transmission between managers and sales forces.

Building a high-performance sales team is a major challenge for any young company wishing to expand. While the first decisive sales are often made directly by the founders, sooner or later they are faced with a crucial step: passing on their vision, expertise and know-how to a dedicated team. This complex but essential process raises a number of key questions: how do you structure a sales team? How to ensure a smooth transition of knowledge and customer relationships? This evening is an opportunity to explore these issues through testimonials and advice from entrepreneurs who have or have not met these challenges, and who would like to share their experiences with you.

The speakers:

- Maurice Calvo: With significant experience in business development, Maurice has successfully managed several sales teams, implementing innovative strategies to optimize performance and growth.

- Thibault Penicaud: An expert in management and team structuring, Thibault has led major business transformation projects, facilitating collaboration between managers and teams.

- Anne-Sophie Perrachon: A specialist in human resources and organizational development, Anne-Sophie helps managers set up efficient business structures and smoothly transfer responsibilities.

Following these discussions, we invite you to join us at 7.30pm for a "pot de l'amitié", a great opportunity to talk directly with our speakers, discover XMP Entrepreneur and explore the advantages of joining our network.

The conference can be held face-to-face or remotely, and will be interactive, leaving plenty of time for questions from the audience, and will be followed by a friendly drink to encourage exchanges between participants.

Register to participate

Pricing :

- Free* for XMP Entrepreneur members who are up to date with their membership fees.
- 5€ for alumni of Grandes Ecoles members of the G2E association (including ENAC Alumni)
- 10€ for other interested participants

Monday 27 January 2025
18:15 - 19:45 (GMT +1)
Event organised in person and online
Maison des Polytechniciens (Salon Caroline Aigle)
12 rue de Poitiers
75007 Paris

Maison des Polytechniciens (Salon Caroline Aigle)

12 rue de Poitiers
75007 Paris

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Monday 27 January 2025
18:15 - 19:45 (GMT +1)
Event organised in person and online
Maison des Polytechniciens (Salon Caroline Aigle)
12 rue de Poitiers
75007 Paris
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