Events calendar

Ukrainian Airport's Life: a War Scenario
ENAC Alumni invites you to attend a webinar by Vyacheslav Cheglatonyev, Ph.D., Chief Commercial Officer at Odesa International Airport on the impact of the ongoing war on the operations at ODS and the lessons learned in terms of crisis management and resilience.
Dr. Cheglatonyev will present the consequences of the conflict for the Ukrainian aviation community, how his airport has managed the situation since the beginning of the war, and how the country could build back its aviation system.
The webinar will be held on October 13, 2022 at 12:30PM U.S. Eastern Time / 18:30 CET/Paris Time / 19:30PM EEST.
This webinar will be held in english.
See all events
Thursday 13 October 2022
- 19:30
(GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 13th October
Online event
Registration closed

Vyacheslav Cheglatonyev is a Chief Commercial Officer/Commercial Director at Odesa International Airport (ODS). Vyacheslav has a strong aviation background and rich managerial experience – 12 years on senior managerial positions at the largest Ukrainian airports. On a current position at ODS Vyacheslav Cheglatonyev is responsible for aeronautical and non-aeronautical commerce, marketing and PR. Vyacheslav is in charge of strategic marketing, management and planning, route development, running of duty-free, F&B, parking and other commercial businesses, PR and social activities.
Vyacheslav Cheglatonyev is striving for continuous professional development and education - holds PhD in Economics, MSc in Aviation Management (Transport and Telecommunications Institute, Latvia, 2021), Master`s Degree in Air Transport Management (Kyiv National Aviation University, 2016) etc.
In the meantime, Vyacheslav Cheglatonyev since 2021 is a lecturer at Transport and Telecommunications Institute (Latvia, Riga) and leading a course Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Multimodality.
Vyacheslav is a constant member and an active participant of ACI EUROPE Commercial Forum and Regional Airports` Forum, World and European Routes (Route development forum) and other significant aviation forums and conferences. In 2022 Vyacheslav Cheglatonyev was honored to be a speaker of ACI EUROPE Regional Airports` Forum (29-31 March, Palermo) and of ACI EUROPE Annual Congress & General Assembly (22-24 June, Rome).
Vyacheslav Cheglatonyev is married and has a daughter. Main hobbies of Vyacheslav are reading of self-development literature, football and running.
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