Events calendar


SESAR conference


SESAR: Single European Sky and ATM Research

Presented by
Executive Vice President, Operations and Program, SESAR.
Wednesday December 4, 2013, 6:00 pm
at ENAC (Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile)
Amphithéâtre Bellonte, 7 avenue Edouard Belin, Toulouse Rangeuil

The SESAR (or Single European Sky and ATM Research) program is a public-private partnership bringing together national and European air traffic agencies, manufacturers and airlines to provide Europe with high-performance air traffic management systems to modernize current systems. The SESAR program is the technological pillar of the Single European Sky (SES) program. SESAR is divided into three phases:

- The definition phase, ending in 2009, defined a master plan for the content, development and deployment of next-generation systems.
- The development phase (from 2009 to 2016) will produce the new generation of systems defined in the first phase.
- The deployment phase(from 2015 to 2021 and beyond) will see the production of these new systems and the implementation of new traffic management infrastructures made up of harmonized and interoperable elements that will ensure high efficiency in European air transport. The SESAR project is the European equivalent of the NextGen project in the USA.

Free admission, subject to availability
Advance registration required 48 hours in advance

3AF Midi Pyrénées

ISAE campus SUPAERO - Res. 2

10, avenue Edouard Belin - 31400 Toulouse

05 62 17 52 80 -

Air and Space Academy

Ancien observatoire de Jolimont
31505 Toulouse

Wednesday 4 December 2013
18:00 - 20:00
7 avenue Edouard Belin
31400 Toulouse


7 avenue Edouard Belin
31400 Toulouse

Additional information (parking, underground, etc.)

Amphi Bellonte

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Wednesday 4 December 2013
18:00 - 20:00
7 avenue Edouard Belin
31400 Toulouse
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