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Carbon: the new decision variable?
Aviation in the age of carbon regulations
Since 2023, air operators have had to offset their fossil fuel consumption on flights between two French airports. This regulation is part of a regulatory framework that is growing every year and whose aim is clear: to integrate the carbon variable into the economic calculations of airline companies.
During this webinar, you will be given a concise presentation of the different regulations, whether direct or indirect, and then the logic behind them will be explained. We will discuss regulations such as:
- The "carbon quota" system (EU-ETS / UK-ETS / CH-ETS)
- L147 (French Government)
- The TIRUERT (French Government)
But also the political basis for these regulations:
- Horizon Europe (Europe)
- Long Term Aspirational Goals (ICAO)
- Climate and Resilience Law (France)
- RED II (Europe)
- ReFuelEU (Europe)
- French roadmap for the deployment of sustainable aviation biofuels (France)
A time for exchange will be opened at the end of the session.
Connexion link:
ID meeting: 810 2617 9849 / Secret code: 8femKH
A webinar hosted by Gaulthier BLANGEZ, Flight Ops consultant - Sustainable Aviation Speciality TIME TO FLY, and volunteer referent for Sustainable Aviation Fuels for USA Advanced Biofuels.
See all events
Tuesday 14 March 2023
- 19:30
(GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 14th March
Online event
Registration closed
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