
7th Newsletter of ENAC Alumni USA 3/20/2020
Dear alumni – Please find below your 7th U.S. newsletter – the second of 2020. The revised presentation material of our March call held earlier today is in attachment.
U.S. Chapter Leadership
- Chair of the U.S. Chapter: Gaël Le Bris (IENAC 07T), Senior Aviation Planner, WSP USA. Since Jan. 2018.
- Coordinator, Membership: Pierre Bougeard (IENAC 17), Student, ENAC/FIT. Since January 2020.
- Coordinator, Mentoring Program: Pierre Bougeard (IENAC 17), Student, ENAC/FIT. Since June 2019.
- Coordinator, Diversity & Inclusion: Marie Guittard (IENAC 13), Senior Aviation Consultant, DY Consultants. Since March 2020.
- Coordinator, Professional Organizations Task Force: Pierre Bougeard (IENAC 17), Student, ENAC/FIT. Since June 2019.
- Coordinator, Licenses & Certifications Task Force: Loup-Giang Nguyen (IENAC 15), Aviation Planner, WSP USA. Since June 2019.
- Coordinator, Friendship Initiatives with U.S. Universities: Rémy Lucette (IENAC 05), Airport Consultant, Ricondo & Associates. Since Sept. 2019.
U.S. Programs Update
- Membership: we will refresh our membership list in the coming weeks with the consolidation of multiple databases and mailing lists to make our outreach more efficient and enhance our mapping of the U.S. membership.
- Mentoring: we have paired a new group of students that were ready to come to the United States this summer for exchange programs or dual-degrees. However, these students report difficulties to finalize their application & visa due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The students are invited to keep EAUSA in the loop for potential assistance.
- Diversity & Inclusion: we took part in Girls on the Move Week 2020. Our next event at Florida Tech to foreign students is cancelled due to COVID-19. Discussions will be held at the next quarterly call on our participation in GOMW 2021.
- Professional Organizations: work in progress that will list the organizations of interest for our members.
- Licenses & Certification: the draft inventory of the licenses & certification that can be of interest for our alumni will be ready soon and disseminated to the members. The goal is to have a V1 ready by June.
- U.S. Universities: work in progress
- Emergency Information and Coordination: the program was re-activated for the COVID-19 with emails on the evolution of the situation in the United States and the latest updates from the authorities.
- The Future of Airports: the Chair will send an email later this month to invite the members of our chapter to participate in a U.S. focus group that will discuss the applicability of the findings of this project to the U.S.
From Toulouse with Love
- The General Assembly of the association is cancelled until further notice due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
- You asked questions about the current structure of the ENAC engineering curriculum. Here is the portal of the program on the ENAC website:
- ENAC Alumni occasionally needs help to translate or review articles and social media posts from French to English. If you are willing to help, please send an email to and to be part of our group of translators. You will be of course mentioned in the Magazine.
- Stay in contact with ENAC Alumni:
- Website:
- LinkedIn Group:
- Facebook Page:
- YouTube Channel:
- The Mag:
Next Steps
- Online vote on the leadership, goals/objectives and 2020 action plan.
- The Future of Airports – U.S. Analysis: you will receive a specific email later this month about this focus group.
- License & Certification Task Force: the final draft material of this task force should be available soon.
- June 2020 Quarterly Call: Doodle to be sent next month.
Support YOUR association
ENAC Alumni is your association. The membership is open to any alumni. Non-alumni with an associate degree, who have completed a non-degree program, or with a special interest in ENAC can become associate members. ENAC Alumni performs several actions toward the alumni community, the university, and its students. Become a contributing member or renew your membership here: Do not forget to maintain your ENAC Alumni profile up to date:
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