
Woman Portrait: Maëlys BELIAZI (IENAC 16)

06 March 2025 Article
Viewed 206 times

1.Can you introduce yourself in a few words? What are the key words about you ? 


Maëlys BELIAZI - IENAC16 (SAT Major). 

Since March 2023, I’ve been working as a Galileo Systems Engineer for the European Space Agency (ESA). Specifically, I work on Galileo Second Generation, ensuring that each Galileo service – designed for a specific community of users – is correctly implemented by our system design.

Curious, creative, and passionate about human interaction and diversity, I fulfilled my dream by joining ESA in 2023 – and I couldn’t be more excited!



2. What are the biggest challenges you have experienced during your overall career ?

My career is still relatively short, and I would say that my biggest challenge is yet to come!

This year, we are preparing the Critical Design Review (CDR) for the Galileo Second Generation System. This event will mark the culmination of several years of hard work.

I am actively involved in its preparation, and it will be my first CDR on such a complex system.

It is definitely a great challenge lying ahead!


3.    What are the characteristics to progressing as a woman in aeronautics ?


The characteristics coming from within: let's stay authentic!
We are as much competent and legitimate as our male colleagues in this sector. So let's be comfortable and proud of staying true to ourselves!

Too often, working methods, the way meetings are conducted, written or verbal exchanges established by the numerical majority (usually male) differ completely from our own ways of working. And yet, out of fear of standing out or doing something wrong, we are tempted to conform to these methods at all costs. This is not the solution!

The best way to thrive and be effective is to remain true to our own professional approach, even if it differs from the majority. Even better, this diversity of perspectives can enrich the team and improve global performance!


The characteristics from our workplaces: concrete actions!
A more personalized follow-up for women's careers, dedicated training programs, the implementation of concrete policies to enable gender balance at all levels... and many other initiatives!




4.    How would you describe ambition as a Woman in this business ?


For me, female ambition in aeronautics or aerospace is about persevering despite obstacles, doubts, and the little voice of Imposter Syndrome that sometimes asks, “Am I really in the right place?”. Yes, you are!

Ambition in women is, above all, the affirmation of a desire to succeed, to evolve, and to influence one's environment, without compromising on authenticity.


5.    How would you say Enac Alumni networking has an impact in your career?


ENAC Alumni has been a great help to me, especially in achieving my current position. Thanks to valuable exchanges with Alumni working or having worked at ESA, I was able to receive excellent advice and feedback while applying for ESA jobs.

Beyond the purely professional aspect, the network allows to stay in touch with Alumni from all generations, share common interests, and discuss our passions.

Personally, I am particularly proud to hold the role of co-responsible for the Space Think Tank alongside Nicolas Soulard since 2019. This experience has allowed me to meet wonderful people and actively contribute to helping current students shape their professional futures, while fostering enriching exchanges.

6. What one piece of advice would you give to any aspiring female business leaders reading this?


My final piece of advice would be: don’t hesitate to seek support and advice from other women with similar profiles!
As minorities in our careers, with professional journeys often very different from those of our male colleagues, it’s essential to share our experiences and advice. For my part, I have often sought guidance from women in my field whom I considered as role models. These exchanges have been incredibly helpful and brought me valuable inspiration and support.
Start with me!
Feel free to reach out – I will always be happy to listen and be a source of encouragement for your career.


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