
Did you know?
On this International Women's Rights Day, let's highlight our very first female students at ENAC!
1950 saw the arrival of the first 11 ANA/T (Agents de la Navigation Aérienne ) students: Solange ARCHINARD, Janine BONNEFOY, Odile BUE, Florence CHEVTCHENKO, Odette LAFEE, Marie-Louise LYON, Denise OLLIVIER, Jacqueline PARAVISINI, Hélène POUBENNEC, Edith STIGLER and Odette TACONNET.
In 1955, Dominique APHECETCHE was the only student to complete the CNA/C (Contrôleur de la navigation aérienne) training course, followed by Epiphane KANZA in 1960 (Agent technique de la navigation arienne).
Tijani BOUZOUITA was the first student to join ENAC to train as an IENAC engineer in 1962 (option L).
Sabine CLAVREUL was the 1st woman to take the AE (Agent d'exploitation, later flight dispatcher) course in 1966.
In 1971, the OCCA class (Officer Air Traffic Controller, now ICNA) welcomed 7 female students: Marie-Christine BEAUME, Frencette BESSON, Mireille CESARD, Marie CHAPUIS, Catherine DIERAS, Marie-Aimée ESPIAND and Sylvie REIS.
1973: 2 ESA students (Electronicien de la sécurité aérienne, now IESSA) Dominique CRENIER and Martine ROSINE, and 9 TAC students (Technicien de l'aviation civile) set foot at ENAC: Dominique ARROYO, Marie-Claire CONTES, Monique DALLE, Dominique FOUET, Dominique ICHES, Martine LONGUY, Catherine PROUHET, Martine TAMBOUR and Evelyne TREMOLIERES.
The year 74 saw the arrival of the first EPL student pilot: Patricia BREZUN.
In 1975, Christine MICHAUT joined ENAC to take the IAC (Ingénieur de l'aviation civile) course .
The first female MS students arrived much later, in 1988: Christine BRUN in MS MA and Dominique TRAPANI in MS EA.
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