
Viewed 169 times
17 December 2023
Henri Georges BAUDRY (IAC 1966)

Deaths - Funerals

Henri-Georges BAUDRY (IAC 1966) died on December 17 at the age of 80.
His funeral will be held on Thursday January 4th at 10:30 am at the Père Lachaise crematorium.
A graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique (1963) and Ingénieur de l'Aviation Civile (1966), Henri-Georges began his career at the Centre d'étude la Navigation Aérienne (CENA) from 1968 to 1977, where he contributed to the commissioning of version III of CAUTRA, the automatic air traffic coordinator. Subsequently in charge of studies on airspace organization, he took part in various international working groups at ICAO and Eurocontrol. Head of the Planning and Forecasting Office at DNA from 1977 to 1981, he oversaw the MLS (microwave landing system) project. Deputy head of CRNA/Nord in 1982, he was appointed head of the center in 1985. Deputy Director of Civil Aviation for the Northern Region in 1988, assigned to the Airspace Delegation in 1993, Deputy Logistics and IT Director at the DGAC in DGAC in 1995, he became technical advisor to the Minister of Transport in 1997, then Director of Air Navigation from 1998 to 2002, before being assigned to the Inspectorate General as an expert. In particular, he coordinated the DGAC's relations with Poland and Ukraine.
He was a technical corps pilot. He was an active member of GIACRE and contributed to the book " Le temps des ingénieurs de la navigation aérienne, mémoires techniques 1945-1985 " (2013). He gave his testimony and advice in " Du morse à la souris, 60 ans de contrôle en-route "(2007) and " Du papier à l'écran, le strip du contrôleur aérien au fil des décennies " (2019).

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