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The Dak-Mekatronik-Aerospace aircraft

(This event will be held in French)

In response to the problems of deterioration in the quality of airline pilot training, highlighted by the ICAO, EASA and the BEA (Bureau Enquête et Analyses) of the DGAC (see examples 1 and 2), the start-up Dak-Mekatronik-Aerospace has designed a light, carbon-free training aircraft dedicated to practical training for airline pilots.
Training on a simulator is good. On a real aircraft, it's expensive.
Doing hours on a small plane that looks like an airliner is better...
This will be the theme of this webinar.

David ALAIN and France KABEYA are the carriers of this project. David Alain is a CPL/IR MEP.
Patrice PIQUEREAU is an OCCA 82/B and Insa 91 GE engineer. He is himself the bearer of another aeronautical project which could be the subject of a specific presentation later. He has been aware of the Dak-Mekatronik project since 2018 and has been more heavily involved in it since the beginning of 2022.

Lien de connexion :
ID de réunion : 825 2129 3386 / Code secret : mTNU8d

Example 1:
Example 2:


Wednesday 19 April 2023
18:30 - 19:30 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 19th April
Online event
  • Free

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Wednesday 19 April 2023
18:30 - 19:30 (GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 19th April
Online event
  • Free

Registration closed
  • 58 registrants
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