Events calendar

Understanding the world's digital shift


Christophe Dubois-Damien, Chairman of the Economics Committee of IESF (Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France) and President of the 1980 professional group of Sciences Po Paris Alumni, is delighted to invite you to a free lecture as part of the "Entretiens économiques d'IESF / Sciences Po" program he founded and runs.

"Understanding the world's digital shift".
Wednesday March 6 at 6pm
With Jean-Pierre Corniou and Christophe Dubois-Damien

Seize the opportunities and anticipate the threats of the new economic paradigm based on data. Influence on business models, activities and professions in the private and public sectors. The vital role of training and consulting.

The conference will take place in hybrid mode: in person at IESF headquarters - 7 rue Lamennais Paris 8éme, or by videoconference.

Registration: https: //

Jean-Pierre Corniou
After more than sixteen years as Director of Information Systems for major companies such as Sollac,
Usinor and Renault, after a career as a senior civil servant in the public service, and a graduate of Sciences Po Paris and ENA, he is keen to understand the mechanisms of innovation that enable the spread of information technologies at the heart of companies, administrations and households.
On the "other side of the mirror", as Deputy Managing Director of the consulting firm Sia Partners, after having headed EDS Consulting Services France, he pursues another phase of his professional commitment as a consultant.
professional commitment.
Conferences, teaching, writing, associative involvement - he was President of the Club Informatique des Grandes Entreprises Françaises (CIGREF) between 2000 and 2006.
Author of numerous books, he has taught and lectures at the HECmaster's program in information systems, at Paris-Dauphine University and at the Grenoble
Ecole de Management.

Christophe Dubois-Damien
Career: PriceWaterhouseCoopers external auditor, internal audit manager , financial manager in industrial and financial environments (Thomson Group then Altus Finance), headhunter (Euroconsulting), manager of several firms, Ceo of SAS 01 Innovation specializing in corporate digital transformation , data driving and cloud migration. Graduate of Sciences Po Paris in economics and finance, doctorate in law.
Founder and moderator of the "Entretiens économiques d'IESF" (IESF Economic Talks), whoseaim is to help people understand the opportunities and threats posed by the new economic paradigm born of the 3rd industrial revolution of 1980, whose input is data. One of France' spioneers in economic intelligence, he created and led one of the first circles on the subject at the MEDEF in 1998 , and is an emeritus member of the Académie de l'intelligence économique.
Lectures, teaching, writing, associative involvement.

Wednesday 6 March 2024
18:00 - 19:30 (GMT +2)
Event organised in person and online
7 Rue Lamennais
75008 Paris


7 Rue Lamennais
75008 Paris

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Wednesday 6 March 2024
18:00 - 19:30 (GMT +2)
Event organised in person and online
7 Rue Lamennais
75008 Paris
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