Events calendar

Joining forces for women in air and space
(This event will be held in French)
We are several associations working in favour of the feminisation of the air professions: "Les Elles de l'ENAC", "Elles Bougent", "Ose ISAE-SUPAERO", "Winning-Girls", etc...
We invite you today to join us to think about a way to join forces in all our actions for women in Air and Space. A partnership could allow us a common synergy on programmes, volunteering, actions in schools and many other things.
- Introduction by Sophie COPPIN (ICNA 93 and MCTA 13), Animator Les Elles de l'ENAC, Deputy Head of the DGAC Operations Department - SNA Sud - Toulouse Blagnac.
- Presentation of the AFFP's actions and proposals by Christine DEBOUZY (EPL 79), French Association of Women Pilots.
- Intervention of other possible associations and discussions.
Connexion link:
ID de réunion : 883 7499 8138
Code secret : T9xeag
See all events
Thursday 23 March 2023
- 19:30
(GMT +1)
Registration deadline : 23rd March
Online event
Registration closed
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