Calendrier des évènements

Graduation ceremony Advanced Master in Air Navigation Management

Challenges of aviation sector in Brazil and Europe post-pandemic

Date: October 1º, 2021
Time: 10 am Brazil UTC-3, 3 pm France UTC+2
Modality: Online

Introduction : moderator
Opening speech : Name TBC - French Embassy in Brazil
Ronei Saggioro Glanzmann - National Secretary of Civil Aviation
Nicolas Cazalis - ENAC vice-president

WEBINAR "Challenges of aviation sector in Brazil and Europe post-pandemic”
Moderator Daniel Ramos Longo - SAC
Fabio Rabbani (TBC) – director ICAO SAM office
Jorge Arruda – president INFRAMERICA
Abhi Shah (TBC) - AZUL Chief Revenue Officer
Gilberto Peralta – president AIRBUS Brazil

Before the ceremony, the moderator will select questions from the ones submitted.

Graduation : Fabrice Fabre - ENAC program manager
Presentation of ENAC Alumni network : Gaël Le Bris Enac Alumni board
Celebration : moderator and graduates
Closure : moderator

Vendredi 1 octobre 2021
15h00 - 17h00 (GMT +1)
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Vendredi 1 octobre 2021
15h00 - 17h00 (GMT +1)
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